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"id" => 159
"name" => "Вино Metreveli, "Alazany valley" Red semi-sweet"
"vendor_code" => "01-25239-2018"
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"description" => "<p><b>Цвет</b></p><p>Вино обладает красно-рубиновым цветом.</p><br/><p><b>Аромат</b></p><p>Вино привлекает элегантным ароматом, сотканным из нот спелых красных фруктов, пряностей и черного перца.</p><br/><p><b>Вкус</b></p><p>Вкус вина округлый, фруктовый, с шелковистой текстурой, приятными танинами и длительным, сладковатым послевкусием.</p><br/><p><b>Гастрономические сочетания</b></p><p>Вино прекрасно подойдет к легким десертам и фруктам, барбекю и сырам. </p><br/><p>Полусладкое красное вино "Alazany valley" производится из винограда сортов Саперави, Каберне Совиньон и Мерло, выращиваемых в Кахетии, в микрозоне Киндзмараули. Для изготовления вина применяется классическая технология. Непродолжительная выдержка вина осуществляется в стальных резервуарах. Потенциал хранения вина составляет 2-3 года. Вино "Алазанская Долина" привлекает мягким, округлым вкусом с бархатистой текстурой, фруктовыми тонами и продолжительным послевкусием с едва уловимой терпкостью.</p> ◀<p><b>Цвет</b></p><p>Вино обладает красно-рубиновым цветом.</p><br/><p><b>Аромат</b></p><p>Вино привлекает элегантным ароматом, сотканным из нот спелых красных ▶"
"storage" => "1-2 года"
"temperature" => "14–16 °С"
"taste_bouquet_groups" => "22_27_17"
"similar_grapes" => "[1,4,10,116,110,18,426,305,469,24,46,219,11,10,166,259,24,1,527]"
"slug" => "vino-metreveli-alazany-valley-red-semi-sweet"
"supplier_name" => "вино алазанская долина грузия "красное" "полусладкое" 2018 (0.75 л | 750 мл)"
"supplier_name_2" => "Вино ординарное полусладкое красное "Алазанская Долина" 0,75л, Грузия"
"supplier_name_3" => "Вино ординарное полусладкое красное "Алазанская Долина" л, Грузия 2018"
"meta_title" => "Вино Metreveli, "Alazany valley" Red semi-sweet"
"meta_description" => null
"meta_keywords" => null
"ext_old_id" => "15234"
"vivino_id" => 576139
"vivino_attempts" => 4
"vivino_percent" => "72.50"
"vivino_name" => "Dardimandi Alazany Valley Red Semi-Sweet"
"created_at" => "2024-07-24 20:01:33"
"updated_at" => "2024-12-23 12:39:16"
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"language_id" => 1
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"aging" => "young"
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"old_price" => null
"description" => "<p><b>Цвет</b></p><p>Вино обладает красно-рубиновым цветом.</p><br/><p><b>Аромат</b></p><p>Вино привлекает элегантным ароматом, сотканным из нот спелых красных фруктов, пряностей и черного перца.</p><br/><p><b>Вкус</b></p><p>Вкус вина округлый, фруктовый, с шелковистой текстурой, приятными танинами и длительным, сладковатым послевкусием.</p><br/><p><b>Гастрономические сочетания</b></p><p>Вино прекрасно подойдет к легким десертам и фруктам, барбекю и сырам. </p><br/><p>Полусладкое красное вино "Alazany valley" производится из винограда сортов Саперави, Каберне Совиньон и Мерло, выращиваемых в Кахетии, в микрозоне Киндзмараули. Для изготовления вина применяется классическая технология. Непродолжительная выдержка вина осуществляется в стальных резервуарах. Потенциал хранения вина составляет 2-3 года. Вино "Алазанская Долина" привлекает мягким, округлым вкусом с бархатистой текстурой, фруктовыми тонами и продолжительным послевкусием с едва уловимой терпкостью.</p> ◀<p><b>Цвет</b></p><p>Вино обладает красно-рубиновым цветом.</p><br/><p><b>Аромат</b></p><p>Вино привлекает элегантным ароматом, сотканным из нот спелых красных ▶"
"storage" => "1-2 года"
"temperature" => "14–16 °С"
"taste_bouquet_groups" => "22_27_17"
"similar_grapes" => "[1,4,10,116,110,18,426,305,469,24,46,219,11,10,166,259,24,1,527]"
"slug" => "vino-metreveli-alazany-valley-red-semi-sweet"
"supplier_name" => "вино алазанская долина грузия "красное" "полусладкое" 2018 (0.75 л | 750 мл)"
"supplier_name_2" => "Вино ординарное полусладкое красное "Алазанская Долина" 0,75л, Грузия"
"supplier_name_3" => "Вино ординарное полусладкое красное "Алазанская Долина" л, Грузия 2018"
"meta_title" => "Вино Metreveli, "Alazany valley" Red semi-sweet"
"meta_description" => null
"meta_keywords" => null
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"vivino_percent" => "72.50"
"vivino_name" => "Dardimandi Alazany Valley Red Semi-Sweet"
"created_at" => "2024-07-24 20:01:33"
"updated_at" => "2024-12-23 12:39:16"
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4 => App\Models\List\TasteBouquet {#5673 ▶
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5 => App\Models\List\TasteBouquet {#5675 ▶
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6 => App\Models\List\TasteBouquet {#5677 ▶
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7 => App\Models\List\TasteBouquet {#5679 ▶
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"tasteCombinations" => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#5681 ▶
#items: array:57 [▶
0 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5682 ▶
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1 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5685 ▶
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2 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5687 ▶
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3 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5689 ▶
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4 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5691 ▶
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5 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5693 ▶
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6 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5695 ▶
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7 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5697 ▶
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8 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5699 ▶
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9 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5701 ▶
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10 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5703 ▶
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11 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5705 ▶
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12 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5707 ▶
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13 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5709 ▶
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14 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5711 ▶
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15 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5713 ▶
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16 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5715 ▶
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-_image_url: null
17 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5717 ▶
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18 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5719 ▶
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19 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5721 ▶
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20 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5723 ▶
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21 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5725 ▶
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22 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5727 ▶
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23 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5729 ▶
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24 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5731 ▶
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25 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5733 ▶
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47 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5777 ▶
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48 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5779 …31}
49 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5781 …31}
50 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5783 …31}
51 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5785 …31}
52 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5787 …31}
53 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5789 …31}
54 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5791 …31}
55 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5793 …31}
56 => App\Models\List\TasteCombination {#5795 …31}
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"image" => App\Models\Service\Image {#5797 ▶
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"id" => 135
"name" => "5h3rsuunqg118wvw1wiv84d944pxunyw.jpg"
"dir" => "storage/images/uploads/products/wine/0"
"created_at" => "2024-07-26 16:58:15"
"updated_at" => "2024-07-26 16:58:15"
#original: array:5 [▶
"id" => 135
"name" => "5h3rsuunqg118wvw1wiv84d944pxunyw.jpg"
"dir" => "storage/images/uploads/products/wine/0"
"created_at" => "2024-07-26 16:58:15"
"updated_at" => "2024-07-26 16:58:15"
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+usesUniqueIds: false
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#guarded: array:1 [▶
0 => "*"
"regions" => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#5798 ▶
#items: array:2 [▶
0 => App\Models\List\Region {#5799 …31}
1 => App\Models\List\Region {#5842 …31}
#escapeWhenCastingToString: false
"manufacturer" => App\Models\List\Manufacturer {#5840 ▶
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#attributes: array:22 [▶
"id" => 2610
"status" => 1
"name" => "Metreveli"
"main_beverage" => "Wine"
"country_id" => 4
"region_id" => 5
"address" => ""
"lat" => "41.900088"
"lng" => "45.551643"
"image_id" => null
"order" => 0
"language_id" => null
"description" => """
<p>Metreveli - это грузинская компания, которая специализируется на производстве высококачественных вин.</p>\n
<p>Они известны своими традиционными методами виноделия и использованием местных сортов винограда, таких как Саперави и Ркацители.</p>\n
<p>Вина Metreveli уважительно относятся к истории и культуре Грузии, сохраняя при этом современные стандарты качества.</p>
"body" => """
<h2>Vintages of Georgia: A Deep Dive into the World of Metreveli Wines</h2>\n
<p>Nestled in the heart of Kakheti, Georgia's wine-producing region, lies the renowned winery Metreveli. With a history spanning over 150 years, this family-owned enterprise has become synonymous with quality and tradition in Georgian viticulture.</p>\n ◀<p>Nestled in the heart of Kakheti, Georgia's wine-producing region, lies the renowned winery Metreveli. With a history spanning over 150 years, this family-own ▶
<h3>Metreveli: A Legacy of Winemaking</h3>\n
<li><strong>Family Roots:</strong> Founded by Ioseb Metreveli in the late 19th century, the winery has passed down through generations, each contributing to its legacy. </li>\n ◀ <li><strong>Family Roots:</strong> Founded by Ioseb Metreveli in the late 19th century, the winery has passed down through generations, each contributing to i ▶
<li><strong>Tradition & Innovation:</strong> While deeply rooted in ancient Georgian winemaking techniques, Metreveli embraces modern technology to ensure the highest standards of production.</li>\n ◀ <li><strong>Tradition & Innovation:</strong> While deeply rooted in ancient Georgian winemaking techniques, Metreveli embraces modern technology to ensure ▶
<li><strong>Commitment to Quality:</strong> From grape cultivation to bottling, every stage is meticulously controlled to produce wines that showcase the unique terroir of Georgia.</li> </ul>\n ◀ <li><strong>Commitment to Quality:</strong> From grape cultivation to bottling, every stage is meticulously controlled to produce wines that showcase the uniq ▶
<h3>Exploring Metreveli's Wines</h3>\n
<p>Metreveli offers a diverse portfolio of wines, reflecting the richness and variety of Georgian grapes. Here are some of their notable offerings:</p>\n
<h4>White Wines:</h4>\n
<li><strong>Rkatsiteli:</strong> The flagship grape of Georgia, producing crisp, aromatic whites with notes of citrus and honey.</li>\n
<li><strong>Tsitska:</strong> A lesser-known variety known for its floral aromas and refreshing acidity.</li>\n
<li><strong>Kisi:</strong></li> A unique white grape with spicy undertones and a full body. </li>\n
<h4>Red Wines:</h4>\n
<li><strong>Saperavi:</strong> The king of Georgian reds, producing full-bodied wines with rich tannins and dark fruit flavors.</li>\n
<li><strong>Shavkapito:</strong> A robust red grape known for its earthy notes and smooth finish.</li>\n
<li><strong>Tsolikouri:</strong></li> A versatile red grape that can produce both light and full-bodied wines.</li> </ul>\n
<h3>A Taste of Georgian Tradition</h3>\n
<p>Metreveli's wines offer a window into the rich cultural heritage of Georgia. Beyond their exceptional quality, they are a testament to the passion and dedication of generations of winemakers who have preserved ancient traditions while embracing innovation.</p> ◀<p>Metreveli's wines offer a window into the rich cultural heritage of Georgia. Beyond their exceptional quality, they are a testament to the passion and dedica ▶
"body_blocks" => null
"slug" => "metreveli"
"meta_title" => "Metreveli"
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"body_old" => "Семья Метревели занималась виноделием еще во времена Киевской Руси. И сегодня этот известный и уважаемый грузинский производитель славится своими винами, которые изготавливаются с соблюдением богатых традиций и под строгим контролем на всех этапах производства. В своей работе хозяйство использует уникальные для Грузии технологии обработки виноградной лозы. ◀Семья Метревели занималась виноделием еще во времена Киевской Руси. И сегодня этот известный и уважаемый грузинский производитель славится своими винами, которы ▶"
"created_at" => "2024-07-29 18:04:34"
"updated_at" => "2024-12-23 12:34:31"
#original: array:22 [▶
"id" => 2610
"status" => 1
"name" => "Metreveli"
"main_beverage" => "Wine"
"country_id" => 4
"region_id" => 5
"address" => ""
"lat" => "41.900088"
"lng" => "45.551643"
"image_id" => null
"order" => 0
"language_id" => null
"description" => """
<p>Metreveli - это грузинская компания, которая специализируется на производстве высококачественных вин.</p>\n
<p>Они известны своими традиционными методами виноделия и использованием местных сортов винограда, таких как Саперави и Ркацители.</p>\n
<p>Вина Metreveli уважительно относятся к истории и культуре Грузии, сохраняя при этом современные стандарты качества.</p>
"body" => """
<h2>Vintages of Georgia: A Deep Dive into the World of Metreveli Wines</h2>\n
<p>Nestled in the heart of Kakheti, Georgia's wine-producing region, lies the renowned winery Metreveli. With a history spanning over 150 years, this family-owned enterprise has become synonymous with quality and tradition in Georgian viticulture.</p>\n ◀<p>Nestled in the heart of Kakheti, Georgia's wine-producing region, lies the renowned winery Metreveli. With a history spanning over 150 years, this family-own ▶
<h3>Metreveli: A Legacy of Winemaking</h3>\n
<li><strong>Family Roots:</strong> Founded by Ioseb Metreveli in the late 19th century, the winery has passed down through generations, each contributing to its legacy. </li>\n ◀ <li><strong>Family Roots:</strong> Founded by Ioseb Metreveli in the late 19th century, the winery has passed down through generations, each contributing to i ▶
<li><strong>Tradition & Innovation:</strong> While deeply rooted in ancient Georgian winemaking techniques, Metreveli embraces modern technology to ensure the highest standards of production.</li>\n ◀ <li><strong>Tradition & Innovation:</strong> While deeply rooted in ancient Georgian winemaking techniques, Metreveli embraces modern technology to ensure ▶
<li><strong>Commitment to Quality:</strong> From grape cultivation to bottling, every stage is meticulously controlled to produce wines that showcase the unique terroir of Georgia.</li> </ul>\n ◀ <li><strong>Commitment to Quality:</strong> From grape cultivation to bottling, every stage is meticulously controlled to produce wines that showcase the uniq ▶
<h3>Exploring Metreveli's Wines</h3>\n
<p>Metreveli offers a diverse portfolio of wines, reflecting the richness and variety of Georgian grapes. Here are some of their notable offerings:</p>\n
<h4>White Wines:</h4>\n
<li><strong>Rkatsiteli:</strong> The flagship grape of Georgia, producing crisp, aromatic whites with notes of citrus and honey.</li>\n
<li><strong>Tsitska:</strong> A lesser-known variety known for its floral aromas and refreshing acidity.</li>\n
<li><strong>Kisi:</strong></li> A unique white grape with spicy undertones and a full body. </li>\n
<h4>Red Wines:</h4>\n
<li><strong>Saperavi:</strong> The king of Georgian reds, producing full-bodied wines with rich tannins and dark fruit flavors.</li>\n
<li><strong>Shavkapito:</strong> A robust red grape known for its earthy notes and smooth finish.</li>\n
<li><strong>Tsolikouri:</strong></li> A versatile red grape that can produce both light and full-bodied wines.</li> </ul>\n
<h3>A Taste of Georgian Tradition</h3>\n
<p>Metreveli's wines offer a window into the rich cultural heritage of Georgia. Beyond their exceptional quality, they are a testament to the passion and dedication of generations of winemakers who have preserved ancient traditions while embracing innovation.</p> ◀<p>Metreveli's wines offer a window into the rich cultural heritage of Georgia. Beyond their exceptional quality, they are a testament to the passion and dedica ▶
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"meta_title" => "Metreveli"
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"body_old" => "Семья Метревели занималась виноделием еще во времена Киевской Руси. И сегодня этот известный и уважаемый грузинский производитель славится своими винами, которые изготавливаются с соблюдением богатых традиций и под строгим контролем на всех этапах производства. В своей работе хозяйство использует уникальные для Грузии технологии обработки виноградной лозы. ◀Семья Метревели занималась виноделием еще во времена Киевской Руси. И сегодня этот известный и уважаемый грузинский производитель славится своими винами, которы ▶"
"created_at" => "2024-07-29 18:04:34"
"updated_at" => "2024-12-23 12:34:31"
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